Friday, 11 May 2007

Im finally growing up!

Well I can finally say im leaving home, not for a few months yet but im taking the plunge! Drew (bless him) has asked me to live with him, probably coz ill cook and clean lol. Cant wait, im so excited, I can leave fun packed Bampton behind me except for the occasional times when i have to come and see the folks and a couple mates but that will be it! Yea!


Drew said...

Dam it, you sussed me out lol ;)
not really hun, i will do my share
I cant wait either will be our place and my first real home after my 'rents palce ;) xxx

Tonos said...

Ah bless you two. Your finally growing up. I feel so proud sniff sniff x

Malibu Stacey said...

Ta Mummy Tonos xxx